How Can I Start with Your Hosting Service

This article will walk you through a typical SQLClusters journey in minutes. We also provide a video guide.

1.Create a MySQL application

With a registered Cloud Clusters account, you can deploy a MySQL instance in minutes. We offer a free trial for most applications we support. MySQL is on the free trial list. For detailed steps to create a MySQL application, please see Creating MySQL Deployment. To deploy a MySQL database, please log in to the control Panel and click the "order now."

2. Setting up MySQL application

After creating a MySQL application, you need to set it up by Creating Databases & users. Databases and users are prerequisites for connecting to and managing your MySQL deployment. By default, we create a root user to make it convenient for you to connect to MySQL. You can also connect to your MySQL database with a newly created user.

3. Connecting to MySQL

Once finishing the setup, you can connect to your MySQL. We have also put together an article about troubleshooting connection issues to help resolve possible connection issues. If you need further assistance, feel free to let us know.

4.Import Data to SQLClusters:

If you have existing data at other providers or your local, and you want to migrate it to SQLClusters, please see MySQL Migration. We recommend transferring data using FTPS. If you need any help with the migration process, feel free to contact us. Our expert team will be happy to assist you for FREE. If you are starting your MySQL from scratch, you can insert your data right after step 3.

Database management scenarios

In our Control Panel, we provide many tools, including FTPS、Shell/SSH. Those can be used in many scenarios to facilitate the management of your MySQL:

1.How Can I Create Database User with Cifferent Permissions

2.I Want to Migrate a Database to Cloud Clusters from Current Provider or Local PC

3.I Want to Download a Backup of MySQL Databases to My Local

4.How Can I Connect to MySQL Database?

5.How Can I Limit Special IPs to Access MySQL Database

6.How Can I Change MySQL Configuration File

7.How Can I Troubleshoot MySQL Connection Issues

8.How can I Add or Remove Resources for my applications

9.Activating a suspended application

10.How to Cancel an Application

11.How to Restore an Canceled Application

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